Rava Idli

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Declaring myself on LiDA 101

Declaring myself on LiDA 101

My name is Radha Mohan. I live in Coimbatore, TamilNadu, India.  I am a teacher educator, researcher and author. Most of my research has been centred on science education, leadership issues and value education. My current area of interest in value education.
Joining this course # LiDA101 has been exciting ..!  I spent two days getting my act together. Now declaring my course blog on the mastodon site is proving difficult...
mmmmmm.....That's me poring over the course ware wondering what to do!

Hope I am able to do this....Radha's Course blog-LiDA101


  1. Swami Vivekananda emphasiezd self realzsation as first step to spiritual development


Rava Idli

#LiDA101 Moodle

I just did the Course participation test. Was delighted to get 100%! https://moodle.oeru.org/mod/customcert/view.php?id=22 Thanks Wayn...